Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Shiitake 3782 (Lentinula edodes)

This is one of the most popular shiitake strains. Lots of commercial growers are pleased with this strain and they order it over and over again. This strain has small to mid-large brown-reddish fruitbodies and prefers mid temperatures (70-75 F).

Photo credits: Tyler Case

  • this is a high yielding strain
  • reliable fruiter
  • good shelf life


  • too many fruitbodies on a block (sometimes you can pick up to 100 fruitbodies just in the first flush)
  • inconsistency in fruitbody size
  • soft-firm fruitbodies
  • fruitbody anomalies (present just like in other strains)

Flavor: depends on the substrate but could be light or intense (typical shiitake flavor)

Substrate: mostly hardwoods or soft woods (including aged conifer wood). It is not known to fruit on straw. However, worth trying to fruit it on mixed wood chips and straw.

Spawn run: depends on the substrate used, on alder sawdust takes up to 8 weeks until the popcorn stage and browning

No. of flushes: 2-3

If you are a shiitake grower, get this strain and grow it, compare it to your current strains and see what your advantages are. Since so many growers like it you may find it good for your commercial production.

Interestead in growing this? Place your order for grain spawn or culture here


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