Pleurotus pulmonarius, also known as the Phoenix mushroom, or the Italian oyster, is very similar to its Pleurotus ostreatuscousins, often causing confusion when being identified. Its name is derived from its shape, Pulmonarius, Latin for 'lung'. The Phoenix mushroom generally prefers warmer temperatures than the more cold weather ostreatus, making it a popular species for commercial growers in hotter climates.
The best example of Pleurotus pulmonarius Aloha has is the AX strain. Typically grown on Straw, these hearty mushrooms will also thrive on sawdust (alder, maple, oak, poplar, elm, aspen or cottonwood), and on some conifers. Growing small and flat in large cluster, this strain's fruit body is often round shaped, not the eponymous lung shape. Long thin stemmed with small gils extending down the stem. The caps of AX provide thick meat however and are delicious when prepared like most oysters. Like all pulmonarius, the AX strain grows better in hotter climates, with 75-85 F (24-29 °C) for the spawn run, and 50-70 °F (10-24 °C) fruiting temperature. AX yields very efficiently, with a BE of 120%+ weight biological efficiency. This strain is perfect for oyster growers in a hotter climate that don't want to air condition their growing chambers.
This strain is available at Aloha Medicinals Inc. for those interested in growing it. It is available as pure culture or spawn.
Phoenix Oyster Mushroom Spawn